Holistic partners for what's coming        We felt innovative companies need a different kind of marketing agency        So, we made one.

We're a diverse group           of marketers            writers                 designers            strategists      and developers                 who create             things people      love      to interact with.

We're a diverse group               of marketers                writers                       designers                strategists         and developers                        who create                 things people         love         to interact with.

Founded by people with backgrounds in both.

Startup bootstrapping

Where our creativity and obsessive focus on concrete results come from.

Enterprise management

Where our precision in project management and organizational protocols come from.

We're a remote-first company, with HQs in London & Belgrade.

Core values are our differentiator.

Team integration & education

Our team is fully integrated into your channels, treating the product as it’s own. Building up the synergy - one thread at the time.

Communication-first approach

We take responsiveness & transparency very seriously. Fast, straightforward communication & comprehensive reports is our MO.

Unbounded culture

We don’t practice tense clauses or minimums. Growing big together through partnerships with culture-matching teams is our end-goal.

Real-time transparency

Our partners get direct access to our project management process on Notion & we leave all the sweet-talk outside of reports.

Data-led decisions

Each project starts with extensive market, competition, and product research, layered by a precise data tracking setup.


We don’t limit ourselves to just the SEO aspect, but all business components that organic marketing influences, and is influenced by.

Ivana Todorovic
Co-founder & CEO
"With Omnius, we saw immediate results - 64% higher conversion on a new website and 110% organic growth in 6 months.

They thoroughly understood our product, audience and funnel, delivering exceptional design, content, and web development.

So, if you want an agency that understands startups, do yourself a favour and talk to them."
“Omnius is bringing in great ideas from their view of the SaaS world.”
Dominik Lambersy
Co-founder & CEO
Truly valuable partner in helping us to achieve our SEO and analytics goals. Their expertise has allowed us to reach a wider audience and increase our sales.”
Mihajlo Nikodijevic
“Omnius created an automated content machine for us. They don't just deliver content but they also dive deeper into strategy and explorations of potential routes for growth.”
Omar Farook
Co-founder & CEO
Professional sparring partner & advisor across several marketing channels. Very professional in their work to find automated solutions that are scalable”
Namdar Hazrati
Polina Alexandrova
“Omnius is one of the most high-quality, reliable, and trustworthy SEO agencies in Europe, specifically focused on B2B SaaS & Fintech startups.”
Namdar Hazrati
Professional sparring partner & advisor across several marketing channels. Very professional in their work to find automated solutions that are scalable.”
Dominik Lambersy
Co-founder & CEO
“Omnius is bringing in great ideas from their view of the SaaS world. The team is responsive to issues and are not shy to take the extra mile.”
Dusan Bijelic
“It’s been absolutely amazing to work with Omnius. Exactly what we needed in order to move quickly, and maintain that winning edge.”
Omar Farook
Co-founder & CEO
“Omnius created an automated content machine complete with fullscope reporting and additional exclusive consulting for further insights and improvements.

The team are exceptionally organized, forthcoming and proactive in all discussions and usually the first to respond.

They don't just deliver content but they also dive deeper into strategy and explorations of potential routes for growth."
Mihajlo Nikodijevic
Truly valuable partner in helping us to achieve our SEO and analytics goals. Their expertise has allowed us to reach a wider audience and increase our sales.”

Happy to give back.

We’re proudly contributing to Europe’s leading startup incubator programs, media platforms, VCs, startups and enterprise companies.

Let's make great stuff together.

We seek holistic relationships to help our clients unlock healthy growth at efficient economics. Tell us where you are and where you want to be. We'll help you get there.